All around the world the coaching community is trying to figure out what the future of coaching will look like. We think that the future is in the integration of a data-driven process that allows coaches to become more aware of their own practice and act the same time grow in autonomy, which is exactly the aim of THeach mentor-coaching system.

We do not focus on observing client’ s results as the solely evidence of success. We invite coaches to observe themselves and humbly keep learning session-by-session.

Why a certification

If you are a professional coach and see our mentor-coaching system as a useful tool for your professional growth, you can get a TH-coach certification and launch yourself towards the career of an innovative advanced coach.

You will be able through time to reach a high standard of effectiveness and maintain it. This will be a guarantee for tour client, that their investment is monitored and through time more and more bias free.

How it works

When you enroll for the certification program,


You do not need to hold an ICF credential, but you need to demonstrate you attended and completed a coaching training program and confirm a minimum of two years of professional experience.

Further benefits

Occasionally THeach for TH-HABITAT participates in corporate coaching projects. When this happen we select coaches among our TH certified professionals.


To know more about our partnering options and how to bring THeach to your school, contact us
at or fill the contact form below.

Download and try the THeach Application free
English and Italian

The free version allows you to use all functions with a monthly credit

Are you a coaching school or enterprise rather then a coach