How do I get started?

No, unless you are interested in becoming a TH-coach. You can start using TH-each once you have a coaching session transcript as a text file. Visit the app “Resources” for dedicated articles.

Three simple steps:

  1. Download the app
  2. Prepare a text file with your coaching session (see “How to prepare transcript“.
  3. Upload your transcript. Your feedback report will be ready in few seconds. 
No. The app is designed for professional coaches with different levels of expertise. The feedback you receive and all the content you find in THeach are created following ICF principles and guidelines, but you do not need to hold an ICF credential.

How can I use THeach?

Mentor Coaching is a process based on the observation of a coaching session to increase the coach’s capability in coaching,

The feedback you receive is a data-based observation of the actual coaching session. It is not influenced by bias or personal interpretation. Each feedback report shows graphics and comments that help you to monitor your coaching skills.

A professional mentor observes your coaching session and offers you feedback in a dialogue process based on the mentor experience and sensibility. THeach offers you evidence-based feedback and other tools, a mentor-coaching system for self-paced professional developing for as long as you want.

You can record an audio only coaching session, no need of video, using a recorder. The one available on your smartphone, or you can record via Zoom or other platforms. Then you prepare a transcript manually or using an automatic transcription service.In order to allow the AI system to process your transcript, you need to take care of the layout. See following FAQ for more tips on editing. 

No, TH.each is designed for coaches who already know how to coach and wish to keep growing fast. Each session feedback, together with the other features, allows the coach to develop constantly in a self-paced process. To learn how to coach you need to attend a specific training.

No. The feedback you receive is in line with ICF principles and guidelines, but cannot be used as mentor sessions for credential purposes.

No. As long as your THeach membership is valid, you can use the app for as many clients and as many sessions you want as part of the membership benefits.

We only use the data necessary to guarantee the service. We do not collect data for profiling or commercial purpose. We suggest you to take care of any sensible information you receive from your client as usual. In general we recommend applying the ICF code of ethics. We also strongly advise not to share feedback and other information via social media.

All Business and Student members receive our community information, including “THeach User Guide”. If you are interested in knowing more, let us know and you will be invited to one of our free webinars. 

Download Theach, register and start using your mentor-coaching system app.  All the features are available for you including  three free coaching sessions feedback. Make sure your transcript respect the criteria that allow the AI model to read it and validate it. 

How do I prepare a transcript?

You are entering a new world of professional development. 

THeach uses an Artificial Intelligence system that, after processing your transcript, creates a report containing coaching skills feedback with graphics and specific comments.

The report is not  just a text analysis.The AI processes the interaction of two persons, something very complex and totally new.   

In order to get a validated report, you need to give the system the information it needs. For this reason the transcript has to be presented in a way that allows the machine to process it.

First record your session using any recording tool. The audio recording app on your smartphone or tablet can do the job. Remember to ask your client for permission before recording. Then you can prepare the transcript. 


Before uploading a transcript for feedback, make sure it respects the following four (4) simple criteria.

It is a bit like in coaching: in order for the client to find a useful answer, the coach needs to ask a useful question.


  • File format – at the moment the system recognize file in text format only, no Word files, no PDF.
  • Who speaks – It must identify the two people talking as Coach (for the coach) and Client (for the coachee). Do not use personal names, nicknames or other words, because it would not work.
  • Dialogue clarity – The transcript needs to show a separation in the conversation between what the Coach says and what the Client says. And the words Coach and Client have to be on a separated line.The machine is young and learning, so we need to be precise.
  • Essential details – If you use an automatic transcription service that also shows the times stamps , remove them.  They are not needed and  could block the analytical process. 
You might think there is some work to be done before getting a feedback. True. Preparation is part of the all process. Creating a transcript, whether manually or using an automatic system, is a great exercise to review the session and learn. Once you start, it becomes easy and really useful for your professional growth.  
Here is an example of a correct layout 


Good morning, how are you today?


I am well, a bit stressed because of my new position in the company.


We have one hour today, how would you like to use this time?


I would like to talk about my new project.

What is the best tool for transcriptions?

You can create a transcript manually. It might be a great learning exercise, but it takes a lot of time. Or you can use an automatic transcription application. 

There are many available, we at THeach use It is reliable, easy to use. Do not expect 100% accuracy, but be sure that the AI learns from you. Otter offers a very good editing feature and you can open an account for free. The free account gives you limited transcriptions of up to 30 minute conversation each. Use this code to get a 1 month Pro-Light free. 


The final text comes in the perfect layout for THeach. It can be shared directly with your app or exported. Of course, you can use other means as long as the transcript can be read by THeach Artificial Intelligence. 

if you receive a REJECTED message after uploading your transcript, check your file for errors. 

Enjoy your continuous self-development.

What are the benefits of the membership?

When you acquire a TH-HABITAT membership, you join a like-minded international community and access all services created for your personal and professional growth. Benefits include: unlimited use of the THeach mentor-coaching app, networking events, discounts on training programs, special deals from our Partners, dedicated material and resources depending on the type of membership. For more details see the membership page.

Three types of Membership are available: for Coaches, for Coaching Schools and for Enterprise. Choose the one that best suits your needs. See the membership page for more details. 

Directly from the membership page or fill the contact form to get in touch.

No, you cannot share your THeach credentials. Though some material and content can be viewed on the webpage, THeach app is for a single user. The individual membership allows you to keep transcripts, feedback and clients’ information. It is seriously advised to respect confidentiality. Have a look at the ICF code of ethics to learn more about how to implement best practices in your coaching.

You can download THeach for free with full features available for you, including up to three coaching feedback. The membership gives you access to THeach app with unlimited coaching feedback and all the community related benefits as long as you renew the annual subscription. 

The renewal is automatic. In order to unsubscribe you can change your setting or contact us on

No, all your material stays in your app system. You can also download or export your sessions’ feedback as PDF files.

For administration and any membership questions contact

For technical issues contact:

The Complete User Guide

TH each is a mentor-coaching mobile application that allows you to upload your coaching session transcripts, get a data-driven feedback on specific competences, store your feedback reports, keep a personal journal, explore resources. Use your mobile phone or a tablet to get easy access to all features anytime and anywhere. This app also enables you to download your reports in PDF file directly to your device for easy access.

You can install TH each on any mobile devices that runs IOS (iPhone, iPad) or Android (mobile phones and tablets) operating system.

  • Register 

The first time you use the app, you are asked to enter your email and choose a password. Your email will be confirmed and validated by a code before letting you enter the app.

  • Loading

You go through a short loading process necessary to set the system and enter essential information.

  • Log in automatically

You will not need to enter your e-mail and password every time you start the app, unless you decide to log out and close it each time. You can only log in by using email and password. For data protection, we do not allow to use social media login.

  • Sign out

This command ends your current session of the app work.

  • Forgotten password

In case you forget your password you can use the specific link to reset password. 

if you do not enter the correct email address, you will see a message of error. 

If you enter the right email address you are taken to the reset login password screen. Here you are asked to enter your email address. The system will then send you a code via email. On the new password screen you can enter the chosen password and the code you received by email. The code is verified by the system and then you can save the new password. 

  • Log in support

In case of difficulty you can use the link to ask for support via email.

Once log in is completed you are taken to the Home Screen.

The screen shows a lower bar with buttons that allow you to move from one screen to another: 

  • Folders
  • Coaching Sessions
  • Upload a transcript for feedback (central button)
  • Resources
  • Profile
  1. At setup you can create your own profile, choose the preferred interests in the coaching field, explore FAQ, take note of your main challenges as coach.
  2. For each client you can create a folder so that you can manage your activity and keep track of your own development together with your clients progress. In each folder you can store: simple clients’ profiles, their goals, your feedback report and personal reflections.
  3. In order to get your data-driven feedback as part of your mentor-coaching system, you start by uploading a transcript of a session you want to observe. You can upload the transcript file in text format only, (no PDF, no Word files) from your devise (smart phone or tablet), from a file folder, from dropbox, google doc, as long ass they are in text format.
  4. Once the transcript has been uploaded, the system analyzes the session and gives you back a report in few seconds, depending on the length of your transcript. The report shows you graphics and comments for each element observed and a general comment about the all session. The report can be stored in the client’s folder, can be downloaded as PDF to your devise, or can be deleted. Starting with the third report related to the same client, a new graphic is activated that shows you the trend of your coaching competences. You can see your progress and identify any area of improvement through time.
  5. You also have a Resources area that you can visit between sessions or anytime you wish, when looking for inspiration, tips, useful articles. What Resources are presented to you, depends on the notifications you have activated during set up. The “Resources” screen is your small coaching and mentoring library. Here you find articles, suggestions, tips, news on events, answers to some of your questions. What if you do not find the answer you are looking for? You can let us know by sending a message in the profile screen. The first time you login the app shows you a list of interests you can choose from. You can choose to receive a notification every time there is a new post of a preferred categorie, by activating the specific notification. 
  6. Profile – The profile screen allows you to log out or to send us a message. 

How to create a new client folder

  • Go to folder screen (first icon on the bar) 
  • Click on create a new folder
  • Enter your client information. Name, Profile, Long term goals, KPIs ( Key Performance Indicators ) Here you can enter what are for your clients the evidence that they have achieved their goals.
  • Choose color and icon to represent your client.
  • Save new folder
  • You will be taken to the folders screen. You can see all your folders and if you don’t. See what you are looking for, you can use the search function.

How to prepare a transcript for feedback

  • The first step is to audio record a session. You can use your smart phone(tablet specific application, or a voice recording. 
  • Then you create a transcription out of the recorded audio session.  You can do it manually, which is very time consuming, or you can use one of the automatic transcription services available on line. Our favorite one is It works very well. It offers several functions, including editing that could become useful to make the coaching session transcript more precise, correct little mistakes, allocate the talking to Coach and Client instead of general speakers. You can export the file in the perfect layout for feedback, directly to Theach on your device Use this code to try Otter Pro-lite for one month free. Or just subscribe for a free account. Of course, do not expect 100% accuracy in the transcript.

Transcript criteria and tips

Artificial Intelligence works on specific criteria. In order to get a validated report, you need to give the system the information it needs. Thats is why the transcript has to be presented in a way that allows the machine to analyze it.

Our innovative system uses NLP (natural Language Processing) applied not to a unique text, but to a conversation between two people which makes the process more complex. If you do not provide the information in the right way, the machine will not be able to produce a useful report, an accurate feedback, or to produce it at all. In this case you will receive a Rejected message. 

Before uploading a transcript for feedback, make sure it respects the following three (4) simple criteria:

  • File format – at the moment the system recognize file in text. We are working on adding word and PDF as well. 
  • Who speaks – Please use name the coach (Coach) and your coachee (Client). Do not use personal names, nicknames or other, because the machine would not recognize them.
  • Question marks and other signs. Make sure they are there. 
  • Dialogue clarity – The transcript needs to show a separation in the conversation between what the Coach says and what the Client says as shown below. Do. Not include Coach or Client in the talking.
  • Essential information –  If your transcription system shows timestamps, remove them.  


Right way


Good morning how are you?


I am very well thank you and you?


Wrong way

Speaker 1

Good morning how are you?

Speaker 2

I am very well thank you and you?


Wrong way

Coach Good morning, how are you?

Client I am very well, thank you and you?


It might seem that there is some work to be done.True, but once you know what to do it will flow very easily. Working on transcripts  is very useful in the self-development process and it is part of the self-paced mentoring model. 

How to upload a coaching session transcript for feedback

Before sending a coaching session transcript to the AI system for feedback, you need to shave the transcript stored somewhere. You can use your smart phone/tablet document folders, or you can store in 

dropbox or google drive. It is your choice, as long as you can access them from your device. 

Transcripts have to be in text format only, no doc. document, no PDF. (See transcript criteria)

How to get the feedback report

  • Touch the + button in the centre of the bar.
  • You are taken to the new session screen.
  • Touch the “upload a new transcript. This will take you to your devise file storage. You can choose to upload from (Document files, Google drive, Dropbox)
  • As soon as you upload the coaching session transcription, the AI system starts the analysis  process. The feedback is available shortly. You can wait until the report is ready, or you can leave the process and wait to receive a notification on your device. Then refresh the Coaching Feedback screen or go to it. You will see READY next to the file you have uploaded.

Note that the free trial version only allows three (3) feedback reports. If you reached the limit, you will not be able to upload a new session. A message will notify that you have reached the limit. In this case you can decide to stop receiving feedback on your coaching sessions, or you can decide to become member by subscribing to one of the available memberships. 

How to save your report

Once you receive your feedback, you can save it in your client’s folder, you can download it in PDF to your device, you can delete it. To go back to one of your reports you have two (2) options:

  1. You can go to coaching sessions screen (second icon on the bar) Here you find all the saved coaching sessions reports. 
  2. You can go  to the folders screen and open the client folder. 

In both cases you have also a search function. 

Self reflection

Each report has a space for your self reflection. After reading the report, you can take notes on your learning, your personal discovery, challenges, etc. You can create your coaching journal with each client.

Download and try the THeach Application free

The free version allows you to review up to three coaching sessions free.

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